Lagi nggak tau mau ngapain. Jadi mau jawab pertanyaan ini aja. Fun to do! :)
1. Where is your cell phone: Di atas meja. Sementara aku melototin layar komputer.
2. Your hair:Sedang dengan cat rambut coklat korea.
3. Your favorite food : SPICY AND SWEET! Karena keturunan padang, jadi gemar makan pedas. Terus juga gemar sama yang manis kayak cupcake, coklat, dan cake.. :)
4. Your dream from last night: Temen punya kartu kredit dan tiba tiba ketemu justin bieber. So random..
5. Your favorite drink: Hot tea and mineral water of course..
6. Your dream/goal: Entrepeneur and super-awesome-mom. Someday!
7. What room are you in: Warnet. Nothing to do :)
8. What are your hobbies: Watch movies, hang out, dreaming, read tons of magazine.
9. What is your fear: Gak ada inspirasi hidup, gelap, sunyi, dan gak punya uang(hahahahahah..)
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years: Have a fantastic husband , cute kids, and have my own restaurant or boutique.. :)
11. Where were you last night: Main paintball dengan teman teman medan dan jambi. Seruuuuu..
12. Something you are not: Jorok, tukang gosip, pemalas.
13. Muffins: emmmm... I don't know.
14. Wish list items: Have a lovable job, starting business, and investasi (yeaah..sound boring..)
15. Where did you grow up: Medan.
16. Last thing you did: Pee in bathroom.
17. What are you wearing: Blue Sweater Zara, tie die hijab, and jeans logo.
18. Your TV: emmm.. not watching TV.
19. Your pets: My coleection dvd.
20. Your friends: i love them so much..
21. Your favorite store:Gramedia, Zara, Ace Hardware.
22. Your favorite color: Blue, Creeme, Red, Baby Pink.
23. Your Life: is full of surprise. Up and down. Like roller coaster.
24. Your mood: Flat and craving some ramen.
25. Vehicle: i cant ride any.
26. Something You're Not Wearing: LEOPARD
27. When is the Last Time You Cried: 3 days ago. I don't know.
28. When is the Last Time You Laughed: Yesterday. Having fun with my friend.
29. Your Best Friends: My boyfriend, Nunu, Ela, Echa, Amel, Esther, Ola.
30. One Person Who Emails Me Regularly: my Dad.
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